About us
Beechwood Tree Service was started in 2002 to provide professional, safe, and reliable tree care. My goal was to bring tree care in the Cowichan Valley up to current standards by providing services that meets or exceeds the current standards.
This was achieved by ongoing education of my clients and by training and education of my employees. Since the beginning I have continued to take training and educate myself in the Arboricultural field. This enabled me to obtain high credentials and qualifications. My practical experience includes, climbing, pruning, tree removal, rigging, cabling, consulting, tree planting, disease and pest diagnosis and treatment.
Beechwood Tree Service has changed. We no longer offer the full range of tree service that we did in the past. We are focusing on services we excel in. Services we currently provide:
- Pruning of fruit and ornamental trees.
- Stump grinding, any size, we have three machines of varying sizes.
- Application of dormant spray for fruit trees and for pests in trees.
- Arboricultural expertise and consulting, see beechwoodconsultancy.com for details
Contact info
Phone: 250-715-7910
Email: jens(at)beechwoodtrees.com
Enjoy your trees and the benefits they provide:
Jens Barsballe
Registered Consulting Arborist #570
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist PN-2741B
ISA Tree Risk Assessment QualifiedParagraph
Wildlife Danger Tree Assessor P2370